You are watching Xto TV channel from Bolivia. The channel's category is Other and the speaking language is Spanish.
RTP (Radio Televisión Popular), is a Bolivian open television channel. It was launched in 1985 and is owned by the Bolivian National Radio Broadcasting System.
Televisión Boliviana(Bolivia TV) is the first television channel of Bolivia and serves the only means of television communication from the government. The channel was established in August 1969 after years of planning by the government. It's a state-owned broadcasting network.
TV Boliviana was the only nationwide TV channel until Paceña de Televisión was established on October 24, 1984.
ATB is a television station from Bolivia. It was founded on October 20, 1984. It was in April 1984 that the state media monopoly was broken by opening two channels in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra: Universal Richards Channel 5 and Cruceña de Televisión Channel 13. That sped up the airing of Paceña de Televisión.
Red Advenir (also called Red ADVenir Internacional) is a Christian TV channel located in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Red ADVenir offers Spanish religious programming as live TV online streaming with the aim of spreading the Christian gospel to Hispanics all over the world. ADvenir Adventist Television Network Television is a nonprofit organization that was launched in October 2002.
PAT (abbreviation of Red Periodistas Asociados Televisión, pronunciation of letters separately PAT) or Red PAT is a Bolivian open television channel launched in 1997 by Carlos Mesa.
PAT (abbreviation of Red Periodistas Asociados Televisión, pronunciation of letters separately PAT) or Red PAT is a Bolivian open television channel launched in 1997 by Carlos Mesa.