TV Syd+

TV Syd is one of TV 2's eight regional services. It is headquartered in Kolding although it was previously based in Haderslev.

TV Syd was launched in 1983 as an experimental regional channel operated by Danmarks Radio (DR). Upon the launch of TV 2 in 1988 it was immediately co-opted into the TV 2 network as its first regional service.

TV Midtvest

TV Midtvest is one of eight regional TV-stations in the TV 2 network in Denmark, covering the Central and Western Jutland. The station was founded in 1989. TV Midtvest is broadcasting from Holstebro. The regional TV 2 stations are given the time slots 18.20-18.25 and 19.30-20.00 every day of the week.

TV 2/Bornholm

TV 2/Bornholm is a regional television channel of TV 2, targeting the island of Bornholm. The headquarters is located in Rønne, Bornholm Regional Municipality (in Capital Region of Denmark / Region Hovedstaden).

TV 2 Østjylland

TV 2/Østjylland is one of eight regional TV-stations in the TV 2 network in Denmark. The station was founded in 1990, and the first news broadcast was made on 1 April the same year. The station covers the eastern part of Jutland, which includes ten municipalities: Aarhus, Randers, Silkeborg, Horsens, Syddjurs, Norddjurs, Favrskov, Skanderborg, Odder and Samsø.

TV 2 Øst

TV2 ØST er en public service TV-station, der dækker Vest- og Sydsjælland samt Lolland-Falster (mao. de to tidligere amter, Storstrøms Amt og Vestsjællands Amt).

Stationens regionale nyhedsudsendelser kan ses to-tre gange om dagen på TV 2s sendefrekvenser. TV2 ØSTs mest sete program er nyhedsudsendelsen 19.30 med regionale nyheder. Ud over TV leverer TV2 ØST regionale nyheder via deres hjemmeside, apps, rss, podcast, tekst-tv, Facebook og Instagram. TV2 ØST opererer som en selvstændig virksomhed og er finansieret af licensmidlerne. TV2 ØST drives fra Vordingborg.Tidligere har man også haft en redaktion i Holbæk.

TV 2 Fyn

TV 2/Fyn is one of the eight regional television stations associated with TV 2/Danmark, covering the island of Funen.

It was the second TV 2 station established (after TV2/FYN) and started broadcasting on 10 January 1989.It was originally broadcasting from Odense, but moved to Svendborg in 1990 to establish the difference between TV 2/Fyn and the national TV 2 channel (which was also based from Odense). Originally, the station didn't broadcast any news, but as time went on it came to focus more on news. This prompted a move back to Odense and a new television house was opened in September 2000.

The regional TV 2 stations are given the time slots 18.10-18.20 and 19.30-20.00 every day of the week as well as 11.00-11.30,12.10-12.30 16.05-16.15 and 22.20-22.30 on weekdays (the late slot is not broadcast on Fridays). TV 2/Fyn use the afternoon, early evening and nightly slots for regional news. The 19.30 is the main regional news bulletin. The lunch slot starts with a local programme, followed by Set & Sket which is co-produced and simulcast by all TV 2 regions. This is followed by national news at noon and a lunch edition of the regional news.

The station is entirely funded by the television license. It does however sell regional advertising space in connection to the regional slots, but this revenue is not used for TV 2/Fyn, but for the national TV 2.


Kringvarp Føroya (KvF) is the national public broadcasting company of the Faroe Islands. It was founded on 1 January 2005 after a merger of the national radio and television networks, Útvarp Føroya and Sjónvarp Føroya.

Kanal Hovedstaden

Kanal Hovedstaden is the name of the regional channel that is broadcast in the Hovedstadsområdet per. 1 November 2009. According to the plan, the canal will replace Kanal 23. The broadcasting area and broadcasting licenses are no longer limited to the Copenhagen area, but to the entire region, ie from Roskilde, Frederikssund, Halsnæs, Helsingør and Copenhagen to Køge. The channel has a viewer base of approx. 2 million. Kanal Hovedstaden can be received on MUX 1, channel 4. Kanal København, which until 31 October 2009 was part of the Greater Copenhagen local TV, today functions as an independent TV station and broadcasts on UHF, channel 35 (586MHz) and MPEG2.